Analysis of a Problem Using Critical Thinking

4 min readFeb 7, 2021

Defining the Problem

Thousands of students graduate university every year. But does everyone get employed in their desired field right after graduation? The answer is NO. The number of student intakes in any university is on the rise. However, the growth in the relevant industries is not. This causes a gap between the industry and the students. Therefore, the problem which I aim to solve using critical thinking is that “It is difficult for students to get a skilled job in their respective fields.”

I have vested interest in this issue as I am a soon to be graduated international student and I have experienced how competitive it is to get a job in our respective domains. This is an important problem to solve as all students who finish studies are eager to get jobs. A solution to this problem would result in individuals securing their ideal job positions and starting their respective careers.

Questions Related to the Problem

The key questions that emerge from the problem are:

· Why is it difficult for students to get a job in their domain?

· What solutions can we implemented to ensure that students secure these jobs?

Gathering Information

As students begin to enter the labor market, there are several roadblocks that cross their path. Below are some reasons why finding a domain related job can be difficult for students.

· Less preparation

· Less domain experience

· Fear of interviews

· Less understanding about industry expectations

Solution to the Problem

Based on the reasons that have been discussed above, there are some insightful solutions that can solve these problems.

Most students underestimate the complexity that is involved in the job hunt. As a result, they don’t utilize their time efficiently and therefore are less prepared. A proper plan and roadmap about what all things have to be completed in order to secure a job is very essential. Students must create a roadmap which will provide them with an overview of how much time they have at hand, what are the skills they can learn and how they can correctly showcase them in case of an interview. Adequate time must be invested each day and there should be constant motivation for students to stick to their schedule to learn in advance.

Most students apply for their domain jobs but have no success in securing the positions as they have less or no experience in the domain. The only experience they have is their study in the respective courses and we know that it is not enough to meet the project standards of the industry. This problem can be solved by engaging and doing related projects which will increase the domain knowledge and expertise. By doing real time projects, the students can gain the relevant domain experience that they lack. This will be useful for jobs as most interviews are focused on what projects the candidate has worked on. This helps the recruiters understand how much applied knowledge the students have and if they can work on the projects of the company.

Fear of interviews can be solved by practicing mock interviews and preparing for it in advance. The objective of an interview is to know the candidate and decipher if he/she can be a good fit in the company in terms of both skills and personality. Students must participate in mock interviews and do practice questions so that they familiarize themselves with the process and feel comfortable when they have their final interviews.

To keep up in the ever-changing job market, it is paramount that students keep up with the new changes and developments that are happening in their field. This also means understanding properly the type of job roles available and how the students can become a better fit for the positions. Talking to professors, mentors, peers and joining industry communities are great ways to keep up with the information that can help students secure a job. This information will guide the students to stay updated with job trends also.


We can assume that the decline in jobs is due to the ongoing pandemic and we can hope that the coming times can bring more opportunities for entry level jobs for students.

Another assumption in solving the problem is that the student is hardworking and passionate about finding a job in his or her domain. If the student is not dedicated to find a job, then none of the above-mentioned solutions will solve the problem.


As a final solution to the problem, I recommend that each course based on their field of study can incorporate a Career and Portfolio creation curriculum in the last semesters of colleges and universities. This course will prove to be extremely beneficial for students as all above mentioned solutions can be achieved through this. The course can be taught by a Professor who is well versed with the industry trend and can guide the students in making a correct roadmap for them. Students can polish the skills necessary for their desired job profile by working on projects that are graded and evaluated with feedbacks for improvement which will increase learning. Even resume and portfolio building can be activities that are graded, so that all students take interest and understand its importance. Frequent talks about relevant trends in the industry can be hosted for students to obtain insights about the future job market. As the students will be preparing for future jobs together, peer to peer cooperation will increase participation and can thereby result in making students more confident and well prepared to kickstart their career in their domains.






Business Analyst grad student, exploring opportunities to work on real time data analysis projects.